Museum of Military History – Chişinău

Museum of Military History – Chişinău

The Museum of Military History was inaugurated only in 1995 and inside there are numerous permanent exhibitions that trace the military history of the Republic of Moldova.

The exhibition explores the birth of the Moldovan military corps from Stefan cel Mare to the present day.

A very important section of the museum is dedicated to the Second World War with numerous finds, grouped in different rooms.

The exhibition features a wide range of weapons, including mortars, anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines and other items.

In this section, numerous themes are explored, including the commemoration hall of all Moldovan citizens deported to Siberia during the communist period.

Another very important section is the one that shows the uniforms of the troops of the NKVD (the precursor of the KGB), military helmets of various participants in the war and the propaganda material used by the Soviets during the war.

Very important rooms are those concerning the Chernobyl Disaster with the commemorative plaque in honor of the Moldovan liquidators and that of 1940 dedicated to the birth of the Moldavian SSR.
In the courtyard of the Museum is the open-air exhibition of heavy artillery with cannons, tanks, machine guns and the specimen of the Soviet MIG aircraft of the forties.

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