Temple of Olympian Zeus, Gate and Library of Hadrian – Athens

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Gate and Library of Hadrian – Athens

The Temple of Olympian Zeus, also known as Olimpeion, was built between the sixth and second centuries a.C. in honor of Olympian Zeus.

It is a marble building that had 104 Corinthian columns 15 meters high, of which only 15 are preserved.

In the northeast corner of the temple is Hadrian’s Gate, an 18-meter-high marble arch that separated the ancient city (city of Theseus) from the modern part (city of Hadrian). It was built in 131 to commemorate the Roman emperor.

Built in 132 by order of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, Hadrian’s Library was known as the “Library of a Hundred Columns”.

The library was destroyed and fell into oblivion until 1885 when excavations began with which limestone blocks and impressive Corinthian columns were found, as well as the remains of the foundations of a church built in the fifth century.

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