The Hofbräuhaus in Munich is the oldest brewery and also the most famous in the Bavarian city.
Its full name is Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München or National Court Brewery in Munich, this is also because it is one of the seven factories/breweries in the city.
This restaurant is located in the central area of the city in Hofbräuhaus am Platzl.
Its construction dates back to 1589, by the will of Duke William V who avoided having to establish commercial relations with Lower Saxony for the purchase of beer.
Its opening to the public, however, took place much later, only in 1828 with Louis I of Bavaria. At the end of the nineteenth century the brewery became the property of the state and was moved to the suburbs to make way for a large guest room.
During the war it was almost completely destroyed but the renovations started immediately after the war until 1958 when it was reopened and then became one of the largest brewery chains in the world with its acronym HB.