Etruscan Museum of Marzabotto – Bologna

Etruscan Museum of Marzabotto – Bologna

The National Etruscan Museum of Marzabotto is located in the province of Bologna.

The structural remains of this ancient city make the site a unique case in the panorama of Etruscan inhabited centres. Unlike Etruscan other towns, the site’s abandonment guaranteed its conservation, allowing us to walk the ancient streets and houses, craft areas and sacred buildings wind.

The Etruscan city with its strictly orthogonal urban layout was considered an almost colonial foundation, resulting from a settlement reorganisation of the Reno valley towards the end of the 4th century BC.

On this hill during the fifth century BC, a process of embellishment developed: buildings, temples and altars were built that testify to the development of the centre and its architectural culture. Of particular interest are the remains of private homes, which attest to an essential phase forming the central-Italian townhouse, and the rich necropolis.

In the urban area, the Temple’s remains are dedicated to Tinia, the highest Etruscan divinity corresponding to the Zeus of the Ancient Greeks.

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