Cliffs of Moher  

Cliffs of Moher  

The Cliffs of Moher are one of Ireland’s most impressive and fascinating sights.

They have a length of 8 kilometers and reach a maximum height of 214 meters. 

They are distinguished by their imposing height that falls steeply into the Atlantic Ocean. 

The Cliffs of Moher are part of the UNESCO Burren and Cliffs of Moher Global Geopark.

Their formation dates back to about 320 million years ago. 

In that geological epoch called the Upper Carboniferous, the area of the current cliffs was warmer than the surrounding areas and was located at the mouth of a river. 

Along its descent to the sea, the river brought with it mud and sand that, over time, have settled, forming the various layers that make the cliffs of Moher so special today. 

Due to its high number of bird species, in the 1970s, this area was transformed into a special protected area for wildlife. 

Being so scenic, they have also been the location for many famous films such as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, The Fantastic Story and Ryan’s Daughter.

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